2022: A year in review
Posted on 09-01-23 by Jack Woolsey
Director, Terry Batty, looks back at what 2022 had to give…
2022, what a year! Some of it amazing, and some of it bloody terrible! I guess we say that about most years though, don’t we?
Life started to return to normal following the pandemic at last. Then life retuned to being not so normal when Russia invaded the Ukraine. We can only hope that Putin gets his marbles back in 2023 and ends this horrific and crazy invasion. The suffering he has brought to the people of Ukraine is unforgiveable.
The repercussions of the war have been felt globally, with record high inflation, a cost-of-living crisis spreading across Europe and central banks across the globe raising interest rates in a bid to curb inflation.
Despite all this turmoil, the employment market held up well and showed resilience. We still saw high levels of recruitment taking place across all sectors that Clear Edge recruit in, notably Consumer, iGaming, and Technology. Still a candidate led marketplace, demand for good candidates outstripped the number of good candidates available. We had to work extra hard on behalf of our clients to ensure that top talent walked through their door, or into their MS Teams room, instead of their competitors!
From a personal perspective, I’m really proud about what we have achieved at Clear Edge over the last 12 months. We have a fantastic growing team of talented and motivated people who helped us deliver record sales, resulting in +10% YoY growth. In doing so, they have helped hundreds of great candidates all around the world, from Buenos Aires to Helsinki, secure some amazing new opportunities with market leading businesses across iGaming, Technology, and Consumer sectors.
In April we expanded our business through the launch of a new office in Malta, dedicated to supporting our iGaming customers. We also integrated a new state of the art CRM system across our UK and Malta offices, designed to streamline our recruitment processes. Oh, and we redecorated our Leeds office!
Unfortunately, football didn’t come home again but we can’t have it all!
On behalf of everyone at Clear Edge, thanks to all the amazing candidates, clients and suppliers that we worked with during 2022. We wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2023. Well, everyone except Putin.
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